If you want your vehicle to last as long as possible and be in top condition, you should bring it to the nearest auto repair center for regular tune-up services. The certified technicians at our repair shop can perform various preventative maintenance services, including tune-ups on your vehicle. The majority of vehicles are in need of a tune-up service every 80-120k miles. Our shop offers dependable, affordable, and quality tune-ups, as well as various other auto repair and maintenance services.
A regular routine tune-up can give you protection against the major engine problem by locating and replacing worn components, like fuel filters and spark plugs. Having a regular tune-up schedule will assist your vehicle in boosting efficiency, preserving a higher fuel mileage, and lasting much longer.
Each component of your vehicle has a certain life expectancy, so it should not come as a surprise when for instance, your transmission or suspension breaks down. The life expectancy of each component is shown in your owner's manual with specific manufacturer benchmarks, roughly around every 80-120k miles. However, sometimes these components can last much longer that the suggested time frame. Nonetheless, it's a good idea to have them inspected by a qualified and experienced technician at our auto repair shop, on a regular basis. If you want to avoid major problems in the future, you should have a computer diagnostic performed and vehicle components inspected on regular basis.
Symptoms that indicate your vehicle is in need of a tune-up service include:
- Airflow issues
- Engine sounds, like knocks or pings
- Slow acceleration
- Noticeable electrical issues
- Poor gasoline mileage
The complete tune-up service, performed by our certified technicians, consists of:
- Inspection and filling of all fluids
- Installing new spark plugs and spark plug wires
- Switching out Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) valve, if plugged
- Replacing the air filter
- Examining the blades and installing a new rotor if the old one has cracks, burning, or carbon build-up
- Checking the valve-cover gasket and adjusting the valves
- Switching out the gas filters
- Inspecting the distributor cap and putting in a new one if needed
At our auto repair shop, we are aware of the fact that preventative maintenance services, such as tune-up can prolong the life of your vehicle and save you money in the long run. Schedule an appointment for a tune-up service today with one of our technicians to avoid major vehicle problems and extend your car's life.